Investing for Children

Investing for Children

Lots of grandparents open bank accounts for grandchildren, keen to put them on a long-term path to healthy finances. Many parents do the same. With Christmas just around the corner it’s a good time to consider this approach. Interest rates at the banks are around five...
Guaranteed Retirement Income

Guaranteed Retirement Income

In Britain and most European countries retirees usually invest their savings in guaranteed lifetime pensions and annuities. That isn’t the case in Australia. Here most retirees avoid annuities if they have a choice. However modern annuities have changed. They look...
Shares Should Do Better

Shares Should Do Better

The last two and a half years have been disappointing for most investors. The All Ordinaries Index of Australian shares is currently at the same level as in April 2021. Good dividends have been paid but prices are no higher. This has impacted most super accounts,...
The Transition to Retirement

The Transition to Retirement

The final working years are critical in reaching a comfortable retirement position. Having a financial plan and sticking to it during that period can make a big difference. People in the pre-retirement years usually have surplus income due to mortgages being paid off...
Uncertainty Brings Opportunity

Uncertainty Brings Opportunity

There are plenty of things for investors to worry about at present. The interest rate outlook still isn’t entirely clear. It seems likely that rates may have peaked in Australia and possibly the US, but perhaps not Europe. High oil and energy prices are helping keep...
The Wealth Building Years  

The Wealth Building Years  

In recent weeks we have talked about the strategies available to help purchase a first home, and then about starting to build wealth by saving to buy investments that will grow. Now we can discuss further wealth building.  Controlling household spending in very...
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