by orange_office | Jun 5, 2024 | Weekly Updates
There is little alternative for young people to acquire the things they need than borrowing – for a car, household appliances, and in time a home. They then aim to pay those debts off and usually try to avoid or minimise further borrowing. That isn’t always smart....
by orange_office | Jun 3, 2024 | Weekly Updates
It’s the time of year when there is plenty in the financial press about ways to save money with superannuation before the end of June. One group of people who should be paying attention but may not be, are intending first home buyers. The First Home Super Saver Scheme...
by orange_office | May 21, 2024 | Weekly Updates
The recent Federal Budget made few changes that will affect savers, investors or retirees that weren’t already known. The tax cuts commencing in July were legislated several years ago and have recently been modified to appeal more to the masses. Stages 1 and 2 tax...
by orange_office | May 15, 2024 | Weekly Updates
Now is the time to plan tax-saving strategies for this end-of-financial-year using superannuation. There are several options available to reduce tax bills, depending on personal circumstances. Everyone under age 75 can contribute up to $27,500 per year to super and...
by orange_office | May 8, 2024 | Weekly Updates
Buying our own home is a key aim of most Australians. We have a focus on it. It’s the Australian dream. Owning our home provides security, we can’t be kicked out. We can also modify and personalise the home to suit our preferences. The home also helps build our wealth...