Some Workers May See a Pay Cut

Some Workers May See a Pay Cut

Although there are no significant changes to superannuation rules as we enter this new financial year some of the limits have been indexed up due to inflation and the employer Super Guarantee rate is edging up as legislated several years ago. The Super Guarantee (SG),...

How Much to Spend?

Unlike most years there are no major changes to superannuation rules coming into effect from July this year. However one temporary Covid measure is being dropped meaning the rules will return to normal. The minimum payments that must be made from retirement pension...
Profit from Inflation

Profit from Inflation

Inflation continues to be a central theme in Australian life. We must all find more dollars to meet the rising cost of living. The people most affected are those with variable rate loans, particularly large mortgages. Could inflation be a benefit to anyone? Is there...
Act Now to Save Tax

Act Now to Save Tax

The end of the financial year is now very close. It’s time to action strategies that will save tax and improve personal finances. Superannuation related strategies require that contributions be in the fund on June 30. Anyone under age 65, whether working or not, can...
Shares Should Hold Up  

Shares Should Hold Up  

Australian inflation has peaked and is declining. Unless there is a big wage breakout that should continue. Interest rates are also at or very close to their peak. Retail sales data shows the Australian economy is beginning to slow. How much will it slow? Some...