by orange_office | Oct 25, 2023 | Weekly Updates
There are plenty of things for investors to worry about at present. The interest rate outlook still isn’t entirely clear. It seems likely that rates may have peaked in Australia and possibly the US, but perhaps not Europe. High oil and energy prices are helping keep...
by orange_office | Oct 18, 2023 | Weekly Updates
In recent weeks we have talked about the strategies available to help purchase a first home, and then about starting to build wealth by saving to buy investments that will grow. Now we can discuss further wealth building. Controlling household spending in very...
by orange_office | Oct 10, 2023 | Uncategorised
Do politicians really care about high inflation and the increased cost of living? Yes, they like it. Do politicians want workers to receive pay rises to keep up with higher living costs? Yes, they do. Politicians are pleased when inflation is high and workers get...
by orange_office | Oct 3, 2023 | Weekly Updates
The last financial year brought attractive returns for investors. Since then we saw further gains in our super and investment funds in July, followed by weakness in August and September. Does this point to problems ahead? Future interest rates will be the most...
by orange_office | Sep 26, 2023 | Weekly Updates
Last week we talked about buying a first home. It’s not as difficult as it seems. Many people can do it if they ignore the negative opinions and commit to the task. Many young prospective first home buyers want a grand home with every possible feature from the outset....