Soft Landing in Sight

Soft Landing in Sight

When inflation took off in 2021 the Reserve Bank knew it had a major project on its hands to get it back down to the 2 to 3 per cent target range. Its ultimate aim, several years later, would be to achieve an economic “soft landing”. That now looks likely. Inflation...
Tax Saving For Higher Earners

Tax Saving For Higher Earners

The Government’s announcement that it intends to change the already legislated stage three tax cuts is worse than a broken promise. It is a breach of a contract between the legislators and the Australian people. In 2019 the Government developed a plan to give everyone...
Begin the Year with a Super Review

Begin the Year with a Super Review

For many Australians this year’s new financial resolutions should include a review of their superannuation. The Government says we have over ten million unintended multiple accounts. As some have fixed minimum fees this means millions of dollars of duplicated fees....
Lower Rates to Boost Investments

Lower Rates to Boost Investments

With such a surprisingly strong finish to 2023 what can investors expect in 2024? Investment returns for last year were much better than expected. The typical diversified portfolio holding around seventy per cent in growth assets earned double digit returns. Shares in...
Surprisingly Good Investment Returns

Surprisingly Good Investment Returns

The year 2023 was a roller coaster ride for investors. Interest rates continued to rise through the year providing much improved returns on bank deposits. Shares and commercial property had definite strong and weak periods. In the end the typical diversified portfolio...